

159 Uppsatser om Paul Ricoeur - Sida 1 av 11

Rekonstruktion av mimesis : Ett försök att tänka begreppet mimesis utifrån Paul Ricoeur och inifrån Martin Heidegger

This essay tries to investigate the possibility to reconstruct the concept of mimesis in Martin Heidegger?s hermeneutical phenomenology in Sein und Zeit. Paul Ricoeur?s interpretation of the concept of mimesis in Aristotle?s Poetics, develops a new temporal understanding of the mimetic activity, which Ricoeur in his work Time and Narrative, claims to have the possibility to overcome the aporias in the phenomenology of time. With this criticism as the background context for the present study, seeks this essay to pick up Ricoeur?s new conception of mimesis, and use that in a comparative philosophical reflection on the basic concepts in Heidegger?s Sein und Zeit.

Metaforer : När ordet betraktas som metafor

The metaphor has been among us since a very long time, but despite over 1.000 years of reflection it is still uncertain how one should understand the concept. There are few, if any, doubts how to understand the definition of metaphor, but is it possible to find a real distinction between the metaphorical and the non-metaphorical? In this essay I seek an answer to when a metaphor is a metaphor or when it is instead a generally accepted concept of how something actually is. I will use previous research on the topic from Aristotle, Friedrich Nietzsche, Paul Ricoeur and George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. These persons have given me a wide perspective and approach to the metaphor ? and when a word should be considered as a metaphor or not.

Kontrast och rörelse : relationen mellan glömska och sanning i Paul Ricoeurs Minne, historia, glömska och Martin Heideggers Vara och tid

What is forgetfulness? How does it show? Is it a part of memory or can it be considered on its own? In the philosophical discourse forgetfulness is limited and the phenomenon is mostly portrayed as a pathological or obscure counterpart of memory. This portraying of forgetfulness can be seen as traditional way of describing it, but there is some philosophers who has spoken of forgetfulness in more fruitful ways. These ways are not to be interpreted as aspirations to decouple forgetfulness from memory, rather they are to be seen as attempts to interpret this relation on another basis. This basis has also led this essay towards an interpretation of forgetfulness' relation to truth.

Vad betyder min novell? : Författaren tolkar sin okända text

All my short stories have been written in an intuitive way according to which no outline of characters, intrigue or plot was made in advance. A consequence of this process is that not even myself as the author is aware of the meaning of the texts and therefore I too have to interpret the stories. Because of the character of the text, I use an analysis of archetypes according to C. G. Jung?s analytic psychology.

Bioteknologins politik och berättelsernas transformativa makt

This thesis aims to respond to the need of adjust GMO politics for meeting the demands of the late-modern society and the changed condition that follows from an accelerating complexity. The central objective for this study is to contribute with a narrative understanding of Sweden?s GMO politics with the purpose of examine an alternative possibility for formulating and assessing the politics of biotechnology. This is done by investigate Sweden?s politics of GMO through a narrative approach.

Bemötande : En observationsstudie om hur flickor och pojkar bemöts i förskoleåldern

The aim of this study is to examine metaphors and what may be perceived as motif-circuits in Stig Dagerman?s play Den dödsdömde (The Man Condemned to Death) and the two short stories ?Den dödsdömde? (The Man Condemned to Death) and ?Mannen från Milesia? (The Man from Milesia). My intention is to discuss a single theme and identity-marks that unites all three works, using Paul Ricoeur?s The Rule of Metaphor (La mêtaphore vive) as well as the ?thematic critique? of Jean-Pierre Richard.What is metaphor for Ricoeur is for Richard themes (theme): an organizing principle, a sort of schedule around which a world is constituted. Hence, I find similarities between the motif-circuits, Ricoeur?s metaphor-theory and Richards?s themes.

Illusion och verklighet : Metaforer och motivkretsar i Stig Dagermans pjäs Den dödsdömde och novellerna ?Den dödsdömde? och ?Mannen från Milesia?

The aim of this study is to examine metaphors and what may be perceived as motif-circuits in Stig Dagerman?s play Den dödsdömde (The Man Condemned to Death) and the two short stories ?Den dödsdömde? (The Man Condemned to Death) and ?Mannen från Milesia? (The Man from Milesia). My intention is to discuss a single theme and identity-marks that unites all three works, using Paul Ricoeur?s The Rule of Metaphor (La mêtaphore vive) as well as the ?thematic critique? of Jean-Pierre Richard.What is metaphor for Ricoeur is for Richard themes (theme): an organizing principle, a sort of schedule around which a world is constituted. Hence, I find similarities between the motif-circuits, Ricoeur?s metaphor-theory and Richards?s themes.

"Att skriva livet är en annan historia": att förstå och hantera inkonsekvens, diskrepans och levande metaforer i en levnadsteckning

In the pilot study for a biography, some of the methodological and/or theoretical problems facing the anthropologist and biographer are discussed.The empirical section is based on a number of interviews I made with my grandmother over the period 1995-2001. I have come across inconsistencies in the material when rendering a historical event. Furthermore, the material makes me reflect on how the biographer or anthropologist is able to handle or interpret that she and the subject/informant has a different attitude to metaphors and how the metaphors can change over time, space and interpretation.The essay begins with a summary review of some of the central social and behavioural scientific theories that can be related to the individual and the biography.There then follows an in-depth discussion based on Paul Ricoeur's philosophy that says that your identity is created in relation to how you look at your history and future at the present time. Identities are created in an interaction between the field we are currently in, the cultural capital that includes gestures, mannerisms, symbols, our language and the area of interpretation the field allows in the culture. Consequently, the biography is also a representation that is created in time and space and between the subject and the person rendering the subject.The biography or ethnography is transient and is of necessity a historiography.Ricoeur talks about the living metaphor.

Hur tre epistemologiska diskurser och hur synen på kunskapsorganisation inom dem manifesteras i text

Our purpose is to analyse three different epistemological discourses that exist in the social practice, Library and Information Science LIS, using the strategy for interpretation from the mimesis model by Paul Ricoeur and the terms from the critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. The aim is also to explore there different views of knowledge organisation. We review previous research involving epistemology, knowledge organisation and discourse analysis in LIS. These show that there are many different epistemological standpoints and that later research has shown a more critical and sceptical state of knowledge organisation than earlier traditional positivist ideals. Discourse analysis is described as an important theory and method in LIS.

Upplösning i staden : En studie av individ och struktur i Paul Austers City of Glass

The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the relation between the spatial and individual structures in Paul Austers City of Glass. The interpretative discussion is focused on the novels metafictive aspects. The analyses consists that Quinn, the main character, is linked to the city environment because of his function as detective, flânuer and author. According to Baudelaire, Benjamin and Berman the two last positions are fundamental in the literary citystructure, as well as in the formation of individuality and modernity..

Den provocerande kroppen : En diskursanalytisk studie av konstkritiska texter som behandlar utställningarna Paul McCarthy Head Shop/Shop Head och Nationalmuseums Lust & Last

Syftet med denna studie är att utföra en kritisk diskursanalys av ett urval konstkritiska texter som behandlar utställningarna Paul McCarthy: Head Shop/Shop Head från 2006 och Nationalmuseums Lust & Last från 2011. Utställningarna exemplifierar det jag kallar för den provokativa konstens diskurs. Genom analyserna vill jag se hur ett urval kritiker mottagit utställningarna samt ge en bild av den provokativa konstens diskurs med dessa två utställningar som exempel..

Tillblivelsen av "Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek"

The study's aim is to create an understanding for the question why Sweden in 1921chose to create its own classification system for public libraries instead of adapting e.g.the Dewey-system which - at this time - was internationally we11 spread. It examines thesocial changes which proceeded the creation of the Swedish Library Association (SLA)in 1915 and discusses in depth the work of the committee appointed by SLA to createthe classification system. Special interest is also given to the relation between SLACSand the Dewey-system.The study shows that the main influence on the codttee's work was the formerSwedish tradition of classification practice. The Dewey-system was seen as inappropriateto adapt in the Swedish libraries because of the vast changes that wouldhave to be done, and the fact that the decimal notation was practically unused in anylibraries in Sweden.From a methodological point of view, the study tries to apply a critical hermeneuticalapproach as developed by Paul Ricoeur.The study contains an extended English summary..

Mystik och metod. Albert Schweitzers tolkning av Paulus teologi i ljuset av den "mystika vändningen"

This essay is an attempt to study some post-modern theological positions with regard to their growing interest in the use of mystical theology and mysticism in theological research in the academic post-modern world, and to see if the 19th century theologian Albert Schweitzer couldprove a resource for this understanding of mystical theology. This position is known in the essay as ?the mystical turn.?To present the background and understanding of this post-modern view of mystical theology the essay presents three theologians, namely: Andrew Louth, Mark A. McIntosh and Sarah Coakley.These three theologians argue for the use of a contemplative and transforming mysticism as a postmodern epistemology in relation to theological research, with growing concern of the status of theology in the secular and post-modern world. Having made clear the views of these three theologians the essay then presents Albert Schweitzer's view on the mysticism of Paul.

Skrivande som handling : Paul Austers roman Leviathan mellan språkspel och mimesis

Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att analysera Paul Austers roman Leviathan (1992) och visa hur den är ett försök att överbrygga klyftan mellan postmodernismens språkspel och realismens mimesis. Utgångspunkten är att romanen befinner sig mellan dessa två poler. Termen språkspel är sprungen ur den poststrukturalistiska (eller dekonstruktivistiska) uppfattningen om språket som ett ?spel? utan direkt förbindelse med den empiriska verkligheten. Som en motpol till detta ställs mimesistanken, enligt vilken det tvärtom är möjligt för språket att fullständigt framställa en objektiv, sann verklighet..

Vad automatisk indexering och genreklassifikation kan tillföra skönlitteraturen

This thesis examines what automatic indexing and genre classification may bring to fiction. The thesis studies five theorists of the subject to find out what the biggest problems are concerning fiction indexing. The thesis also investigates which automatic text analysis methods that can be effective for automatic indexing and genre classifying fiction. To show that it is possible according to philosophy of language to index fiction, in particular to automatically index it. Wittgenstein?s, Barthes? and Ricoeur?s language and fiction theories are presented and used to problemize the subject.

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